Things are feeling looser. Creepy underwear isn't so creepy. Shirts don't stick to my belly so much. But I asked Eli if I was getting smaller or if I was stil really fat and he said I was still really fat. I laughed. He is right. If you want the answer you want to hear ask your husband. If you want to hear the truth, ask a kid.
Yesterday we had Eli's birthday party here. It was very fun. It was so neat to hear his excitment. He has been playing with his toys for over an hour. The hardest part of the party was fixing all the food without tasting what I was cooking. I did have help. Nathan was glad to taste the frosting for me and Jen tasted the taco meat. I did have a couple of fritos corn chips.
I need to up my walking but I don't feel super strong. 3 protien shakes a day and my vitamins don't really make for a lot of energy. The supplements are disgusting. I chose to go the cheap route. At least I thought it was and it is the gross route. I grind my pills. I pour them into my shake and choke it down. I might switch to chewables.
The other day Nathan and I went down to the pig barn with Lucas. He washed his pig. We helped him get her in the pen. It was fun. Nathan made it comical.
That's all for now. Gotta go make my potions! Awck