Thursday, October 14, 2010

Thursday Oct. 14


I am doing well. Did I say that we joined the YMCA? It is good and my friend Teri and I are going to do the 12 week program there. Today I am getting a massage to try to get my IT band loosened up some.

This surgery helps you lose weight. What it doesn't do is get rid of cavings or hunger or change bad behaviors. That is all up to me. I still spend a lot of time on the computer but I am doing more that before. The food that I should be eating (lean protiens) a painful to eat. I eat lots of legumes. Indian dahl and garbanzo beans.

Eating information after my surgery has not come from my surgeon. I get it from blogs and other websites and people.

I am listening to my hypnosis cds. Exercise is very important. I am starting to get a bit of a gobble wobble in my neck that I am FREAKING out about. I need to start my plastic surgery fund!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tuesday Oct. 5


Happy 2 month anniversary to me! Two months ago today I had my surgery. August 4 I weight 269.9. August 7 I weighed 274.5. I had my 2 month post surgery appointment last Friday and my ANRP said I was doing really well with weightloss. I feel good. I still have my right side pain (the reason I had the surgery) but I have joined the Y and am swimming. I ran away from Eli yesterday for the first time. I am doing more, getting out of the house more and am over all a happier Andi. I have not gone to try to go back to work yet. My goal is to be able to touch the floor without pain. I have been drinking and I need to stop. It is worse than before in the respect that I am trying not to get too many carbs so I am making very strong drinks. I do use diet cranberry juice so I shouldn't worry about it so much and just make weaker drinks or stop drinking.

Food consumption is weird and sometimes frustrating. Some foods make me sick. Salmon and some chicken I think. I can eat a lot of bad foods just fine but not some healthy foods that I would like to be able to eat. Today I made some broccoli soup. I steamed some broccoli and carrots in chicken broth. I blended them in my immersion blender. I added a few tablespoons of Rotelle and blended more. I topped my soup off with a little freshly grated Ramano. It was good.

I do feel hungry a lot and that is frustrating. For that part I wish I could have had the sleeve gastrectomy surgery.