Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Tuesday April 27


I am in a funk. I posted that on Facebook and someone mentioned that it must be time for me to blog. I just wanted to say thank you to that person because I don't always realize what I need but blogging really does help me.

I have had Eli since May 13. I love the little guy but I leave myself out of the picture when I have him. I haven't been making time to exercise and I have been in a lot of pain. I havn't been eat the best and I have been drinking WAY too much.

Everyday I tell myself that my brain and habbits aren't different because of my surgery. I have to think about what to eat and not eat and fight the cravings. It is a struggle.

Things that are better: I can move without feeling like I am dying. I am gardening and walking. I can jog some. I can pedal my bike standing up very easily. I can stand at a mariners game in the concessions for 8+ hours without much trouble.

Things that I thought would be better that aren't:Touching the ground. I still don't have the hip rotation that I use to and it really makes it hard to pick things up. It's better but not where I want it to be.

Things that aren't better: My brain. I am still lathargic and hate cleaning. I didn't expect it to get better on it's own but it still brings me down at times.

Eli needs food. See ya soon.

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