Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Wednesday July 14


I ate wayyyyyy tooo many almonds yesterday but they left the house so I am good now. I also had a chili cheese and onion omlette and it hurt so I will try to remember the bad feeling.

I have been getting a lot of support from people via email and facebook. I really appreciate it but please feel free to post comments and share as much as you want/can. You would be suprised at how many people struggle. I know I am not the norm and don't mind sharing every little detail of my life but I think people feel better when they know that it's not only them.

OK todays worry! I am very worried about what I am going to do once I lose some of this weight. Right now I spend most of my day on the computer and do very little. I am excited to be able to touch the ground but I am worried about my ADD and being productive. I am alergic to lists but I think I might have to get use to them. I have to get use to these because I think it is the only way I will be able to get things done. You see, most people see lists as a way to feel successful when they get things checked off. I see lists as my obismal failings when I don't get things checked off. I am the queen of half jobs. I know that I have to break my lists down from jobs into tasks. That way I can check off small accomplishes instead of feeling like I never accomplish anything which I do just not big things.

I think I might make a good ADD coach someday. I am good at figuring what is wrong but doing it is a different story so if I can tell someone what to do it will be a lot easier.

I walked 1.9 miles with my pal Brenda yesterday and a shorter walk the day before. Today I and hopefully Blaine will go to Anns to go swimming.

In the great words of Ann

Andi out!

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