Friday, May 7, 2010

Friday May 7


I am very frustrated today. My damn period hasn't started and I am still crazy.

The weightloss cd is kinda bugging me becuase it says to eat anything I want just eat half. Half of What? I am try to no over eat and I am try to still make good food choices. I have eaten WAY too much fried food today but I have tried to eat half. I had hash browns for breakfast. I don't cut my egg in half but I only put half of the browns that I cooked on the plate. I also added onions and yellow peppers to it. Diana took me to Osaka for lunch and I had the bento box. It was very big and I ate it all except the rice. There were only about 5 pieces of spicey chicken and the sushi was a raw fish sushi not calif. roll that has mayo in it. I ate all of the tempura and loved it! Diana almost died choking on fat. For dinner I had french fries (shared a lot with Skipper), 3/4 of a corn dog and lettuce with blue cheese. Skipper is going to get fat eating the food I don't. I can't leave it on my plate.

Back to the crazies. Diana and I were coming back from Silverdale. Lucas started texting me asking if he could go to a movie tonight with friends. I asked who. He hasn't done this before. I knew a cople of kids but didn't think he ever did anything with them. I asked how he was getting there and he said me. I don't let my kids go bythemselves to meet friends. They have to go with at least one friend so I said that the one who lives close to us should ride with us of visa versa. Lucas texted and he said that I would drive there and they would pick up. Further communication revealed that the tickets were selling out fast and they were going to buy theirs and we should get Lucas'. So we go to Blaine's school, get him and head of to the theater. We get there and the friend was right in front of us and I say something to the dad about what time I should pick the son up and the dad said that he was going. That threw me cuz I Lucas had made arrangements. So I was a bit irritated so then I just asked if Lucas could ride with them. But I felt like a dumb ass because I didn't sound like I knew what I was talking about. So they leave and we get up to the counter and we said something and I said that Lucas was driving me crazy and he goes "she's driving me crazy!" Well that's all I needed. We left, no ticket, no movie. I know I have no patience right now but embarrassing me in public is something that we talk about. So we happened to park right next to the friend and the dad goes so do you want to bring Lucas over and I had to tell him that Lucas wasn't going. I wish this damn period would start and finish cuz I'm not going to survive much more of this.

On a good note. I feel more productive still. I washed Nathan's bedding today and got it in the dryer. Nathan and I cleaned out our nasty garbage can yesterday and I watered my garden. Today I bought some dog shears and cut skipper. Poor Skipper. I suck at shaving. I had to stop to go get Blaine so he has one long ear and one shave ear.I feel fat today and my back hurts. What does that mean?

OK thanks for listening.


  1. Andi, I think you did the right thing in regard to the comment. I would have done the same thing, and have. You don't need to put up with that at all. You went out of your way to do accommodate Lucas, and you deserve respect. I have been having the same kind of troubles with my son, too. This is the first time I have ever had him blatantly talking back to me. I know it's the age, but you have to let them know you won't put up with it. So I think you did the right thing, sister! I know it's hard though!! Hang in there, Andi! You are doing GREAT!!!!

  2. OK Marie you may notice that I just now found all these comment posts. I am crazy! I know it is puberty and it is a process but even though I have done this twice before in just the past 3.5 years it is still hard. I think we are back on a good path except last night I was going to bed and I heard him in his room talking on his cell phone! He isn't alllowed to talk on his cell at home. We don't have that many minutes and he told me that he never talks he just texts. I feel like I have covered thiss and he still does it. He will end up with NO money from his pig because he had to pay our cell bill! It does help to hear that I am not the only one. Thanks
