Sunday, May 16, 2010

Sunday May 16


I slept like a ROCK last night. Probably because Blaine walks a million miles and minute and doesn't slow down just because his mom is fat and slow. We got up, rode the ferry to Seattle, walked up a desent grade to Pike place where we met Elsie. We first met Elsie when Mark and I were at WSU in 1985. I haven't seen her in 13 years. It was a great day. You know those kind of people that your can talk to once a year and not see for decades and then act like you had just seen them yesterday when you get together? That is how we are. I figure I burned off most of what I ate yesterday. I had a Hum Bow, then Elsie cooked some fish curry (with fresh yummy salmon) then they took us to Anthoney's. I ate the whole hum bow, picked at the salmon because it was getting to late for lunch and ate 1/2 of my crab cake for dinner. This morning I ate the other crab cake for breakfast and had some fish curry. My downfall still is this damn carmel corn that Lucas makes. I LOVE IT! I still have to get into this exercise thing because I am not motivated. Loosing weight would be a lot easier if I exercised but it HURTS.

Still listening to the hypnosis. If nothing else, I feel great when I come out.

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