Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Wed. May 5 Feliz Cinco De Mayo


I'm on my way to 275. Still listening to the CDs and I think they are working. They are making me mad right now because the DVD player I am playing them on in my room right now is skipping around in the middle of my hypnosis. I don't know if it's the player or the cd. I am ripping all the CDs to my computer just in case it's the cds and that way I will have a back up.

I think the suggestions are working. I am modifying things a bit because the dude says to eat what ever you want but just eat half. I have already modified my eating, like protien powder or I already eat the six inch sub instead of the 12 inch. I am not ready to eat 3 inches. that sounds funny.

Blaine's track meet went well for Blaine. Well I think it went well. He threw the discus 118 feet. He didn't like it but it was 18 feet further than anyone else. He was second in shot put. I think he will be better in shot next year when he trains more with weights. He thinks he placed in the long jump too. We ate Subway. I do well at Subway. I get the black forest ham with lots of veggies, no chesse and some vinegar. I could get mustard on it but I don't. I get it toasted.

I ate popcorn last night. My popcorn is full of FAT but I love it. I ate half. My salt battle is a battle right now. Sweets, I am still doing well with. I did have some cheap chocolate the other night. No period still. Ug. I have not knowing what's going on in my body. All of my CDs are ripped and now Nathan needs his chocolate chip pancake. He tried to make them Monday and from the garbage can it looked good but he said it was raw inside. I forget to teach him the things I take for granted.