Friday, April 30, 2010

Friday April 30


Gayle and I talked earlier in the week and I said that I needed to call the bariatric doctor and to see what was up. Where am I in the process. Making sure that I didn't get lost in the shuffle. Well, that was a good thing! First I listened to their voice recording and it says that if you want to know about your insurance coverage, call your insurance company. So I called my insurance and they hav no record of a bariatric surgery request. So... I called my doctor and pushed the right buttons and got a person and she asked me my insurance and I told her and she said that that wasn't the insurance I had on file. I had given them my knew insurance. So on Monday they are going to see what they need to get to send to the insurance. I thought the balls were rolling and they weren't. Oh well, that is why Gayle and I said I should call! TGFGayle!

I went to Colello's produce today again. They have bags like grab bags of produce. I was there around 10 and got vine ripened tomatoes, 3 different kinds of peppers, beef steak tomotoes and roma's and white onions for $5 and I am making pasta sauce. It smells so good. I also got more lettuce, some mangos, avacados, yams and apples. I ended up spending $24. I added the avacado and mangos to this chicken, black bean cilantro, corn mixture that I have. I put some in a whole wheat tortillia. It was delish.

Cassi, Eli's mom, called today to tell me that Darren is in jail. Darren is my friend and Eli's dad. Darren's crazy girlfriend thinks I turned him in. Even if I feel that jail sometimes is the best place for Darren, I would never turn him in. I have spent tons of time and energy taking him to his DOC appointments trying to get him to do things the "right way" to turn around and turn him in. I just didn't want him to go to jail. Well I wrote him a letter in jail telling him that if he thinks I turned him in then my heart is broken. Now I am fine. BUT...

I do want to drink tonight. I want Margaritas still or dark beer but mostly margaritas. I am still PMS and crazy bitching it. My goal is to be pretty good this weekend so that I can get to 275 sometime in the next two weeks. Have a great weekend.


  1. Hey, if you do resort to the margaritas, I saw that Costco is carrying a nice mix that does not have corn syrup in it. It does have cane sugar in it, but that is a little bit better on your body than corn syrup - esp. HFCS.

    I think as you lose weight (and you WILL), then your PMS symptoms will be reduced. Fat cells produce estrogen, believe it or not. Also, is the protein you are adding to your drinks made from soy? If so, stay away from it. Soy = estrogen.

    Andi, I am on this journey right alongside of you and I am here for you as an ear to just listen, a mouth to give advice (LOL) and a shoulder to cry on!

  2. Damn Marie, You are awesome. Andi
